一般人所說的一日正確稱為太陽日(solar day),即太陽圓面中心連續兩次上中天所經歷的時間。一太陽日約等於24小時。
地球自轉一周的時間以恆星為標準。一恆星日(sidereal day)約等於23小時56分。我們因而可以看到每天(即相隔24小時後)同一顆恆星升起的時間比對上一天早4分鐘,一個月便早升2小時,因此我們每晚在同一時間所看到星空都與上一天稍為不同。
不過,由於地球本身的運動方式極之複雜,所以無論以太陽日或恆星日作為基礎,每日的長短都會不同。為了方便計時,我們現時所用的時間系統是以原子的振動頻率作為標準,這種時間系統稱為原子時(atomic time)。
Examples of complications include:
24 hour watch
Automatic watch (self-winding watch)
Chronograph for measuring short time periods
Double chronograph or rattrapante, split seconds timing or lap timing
Flyback chronograph, can be reset while the timer is running
Date display
Day of week display
Second time zone
Equation of time
Display of zone solar time (as opposed to Mean Time)
Display of true local solar time
Display of Sidereal time
Display of Time zones (for the world traveler)
Time of Sunset
Time of Sunrise
Easter Date calculators
Quarter repeater
Five-minute repeater
Minute repeater
Passing strike (chiming watch)
Month display
Sign of the Zodiac
Display of Leap Year cycle (year 1 to 4)
Moon phases
Mechanised star chart
Astrolabe dial
Perpetual calendar
Annual calendar
Power reserve or réserve de marche
Quickset date
Week of year
Dead second
Non-horological complications
Sometimes various displays in or on a watch are counted as complications even if they have nothing to do with timetelling. Often seen examples include thermometer, barometer (rare in watches, more frequently in clocks)), compass, or altimeter. Many horologists will not count non-horological complications when adding up the number of complications on a given watch or clock, some purists even exclude the Power reserve from the complications count because it does not show a time indication (although its function is related to the timekeeping).
Grand Complications
A grand complication is a watch that contains at least three "complications", with at least one coming from each of the groups listed below:
Visual Indicators
Simple chronograph,Counter chronograph,Split-second flyback chronograph,Independent second hand chronograph,Jumping second hand chronograph.
Astronomical indicators
Simple calendar,Perpetual calendar,Moon phases,Equation of time.
Acoustic indicators
Alarm,Quarter repeater,Half-quarter repeater,Five-minute repeater,Minute repeater,Passing strike.
Ultra-Complicated Watches - Unlimited Sophistication
Watches for Collectors and Admirers
Ultra-complicated watches appeared as a result of watchmakers' desire to unite the amazing number of functions in one watch case, thus challenging the laws of mechanics. These timepieces are perceived as the ultimate expression of the art of watchmaking. They are produced exclusively in very limited numbers. Some ultra-complicated watches are made only once for passionate watch collectors and admirers of horological exploits.
Inspired by Mechanical Clocks
The creators of the initial pocket watches were inspired by the mechanical clocks that often comprised a wide variety of functions, including astronomical indications. Consequently, already in the 16-th century, the horology world boasted numerous watches relevant to the category of "complicated" and even "ultra-complicated".
Since then, watchmakers have worked hard trying to surpass the known limits of their art and demonstrate their skills in the best possible way. Watchmakers have been exploiting new possibilities of combining the biggest number of functions in the limited space of a watch case.
'Marie-Antoinette watch' by Breguet
Among the earliest most celebrated examples you will discover an ultra-complicated watch created by Breguet. The unique timepiece was commissioned for the Queen of France. Its development was finished in 1827.
The timekeeping creation was meant to feature every known complication of that time. The 'Marie-Antoinette watch' comprised a stunning number of functions, including a perpetual calendar, a minute repeater, a power reserve indicator and an equation of time.
The legendary pocket watch was followed by other timekeeping masterpieces, the majority of which was given birth in La Vallee de Joux (Swiss Jura), one of the best-known birthplaces of complicated watches. The most prestigious watchmaking brands do their best to introduce the most complicated watch ever created.
Most Notable Examples
The watchmaking exploits that are of particular importance in the history of watchmaking are the "Leroy 01" launched in 1904 that was equipped with 20-25 complicated functions, depending on the way they are counted, and the "Graves" introduced by Patek Philippe in 1933 that boasted the remarkable 24 complications.
It was also the Patek Philippe Company that developed the most complicated pocket watch ever - the Calibre 89 revealed in 1989.
The one-of-a-kind watch comprised 33 rare complications, including the secular perpetual calendar and Easter dates.
Vacheron Constantin Tour de l'Ile Wristwatches
As for the area of complicated wristwatches, Vacheron Constantin, having celebrated its 250-th anniversary in 2005, commemorated the occasion by unveiling of the "Tour de l'Ile" watch. The unique creation represents the world's most complicated double-face watch.
In the heart of the Tour de l'Ile there beats the movement composed of 834 parts. The two dials of the watch feature 16 complications. You will find the following functions on the list of the watch's complications: an hour, quarter and minute repeater, sunrise and sunset times, perpetual calendar, moon phases, tourbillon, age of the moon, equation of time, and a representation of the night sky.
Besides the unique demonstrations of savoir-faire mentioned above, watchmaking companies introduce a lot of remarkable examples of "grande complication" watches that offer fewer functions, but are meant to provide simplicity of use, legibility and functionality.
1.perpetual calender,
3.minute repeater,
4.equation of time,
5.split Seconds,
6.musical watches
陀飛輪(法語:Tourbillon)是由法國著名鐘錶大師寶璣(Abraham Louis Breguet)於1795年發明,是機械鐘錶機芯中的一個裝置。
(Vulcania from HD3)
真太陽時equation of time
因為地球繞太陽之公轉軌道不是正圓形, 加上其他因 素, 令致實際太陽相對於地球之視運動有不均勻. 若以真太陽視 位置為時間系統, 則最長與最短之真太陽日可相差達51秒.
音樂機芯musical movement
musical clock
Phelps & Bartholomew movement from an 8-day Kroeber #3 musical clock, with Swiss musical movement in place of the usual strike train.
musical watches
Girard-Perregaux has one of the most sophisticated musical alarm watches under the Opera range which is Opera Two and Opera Three
三問報時裝置Minute repeater
我們現在要介紹何謂問錶﹔打簧錶也稱問錶。就是你問它答,當你想知道現在的時間,就撥動問錶的撥柄,它會發出悅耳的音調。如果是三問錶,第一問是報時,例如﹕噹、噹、噹、噹、噹、噹、噹、噹、噹、噹、(十響)就是十點。第二問是報刻,它會發出不同的音律的長短聲,例如﹕叮噹就是一刻(15分),叮噹、叮噹、就是二刻(30分),叮噹、叮噹、叮噹、就是三刻(45分)。(二問錶的功能就到此結束﹐也就是說它報出時間的最大誤差是15分鐘。)。第三問是報分,一響代表一分。舉個例子﹕噹、噹、噹、噹、噹、噹、噹、噹、噹、噹 (十響),叮噹、叮噹、叮噹 (三響),再 叮、叮、叮、叮、叮、叮、叮、叮、叮、叮、叮、叮 (十二響),那表示面盤指針在十點三刻又十二分的位置,也就是十點五十七分。另有一種是五分鐘報時也算是二問。第一次聲響代表鐘點,第二次聲響代表五分鐘,例如﹕噹、噹、噹、噹、噹、噹、噹、噹、噹、噹、(響十聲),叮、叮、叮、叮、叮、叮、叮、叮、叮、叮、叮、(響十一聲),就是十點五十五分,也就是說它所報出的時間最大誤差是五分鐘。
萬年曆Perpetual calendar
計時碼錶,或稱碼錶(英語:chronograph),是一種有計時功能的手錶,是將秒錶的功能結合於手錶之中。計時碼錶於 1720年由英國人 George Graham 發明。
無論是機械手錶,石英手錶,甚至 LCD顯示數位錶,都有計時碼錶的產品。LCD數位手錶的價錢是三者中最低,但計時功能卻是最為精確,精度可達百分之一秒或千分之一秒。石英的計時碼錶價錢較貴,精度多數為十分之一秒 。而機械計時碼錶的精度是最差,只能以秒計算,但由於機芯結構複雜,因此價錢最為昂貴。
追分功能Split Minute
雙追針計時秒錶Chrono Rattrapante